"According to Talmudic legend, when a child is born has the knowledge of all previous lives. An angel appears and instructs him to keep this secret. Puts his finger on the lips of the child who forgets everything. A trace of the gesture of the angel remains: is the small gap between the lips and nose ... At this time, the child may make the first cry "
So ends this beautiful documentary, directed by Gilles De Maistre, who for three years, fifteen months of filming, resumes, develop and tells ten stories, ten countries in nine months ... but for everyone!
So ends this beautiful documentary, directed by Gilles De Maistre, who for three years, fifteen months of filming, resumes, develop and tells ten stories, ten countries in nine months ... but for everyone!
"The first breath" tells the story more universal of all: the birth of a child, with a theme and unique, that the solar eclipse of March 29, 2006. And so, while we were in a nose up, in every corner of the world, touching the most diverse cultures, all pregnant women were united in the one universal gesture, represented by birth. The great thing is that there is a real reconstruction of events, the fact is that the viewer see what the director has really lived in those 48 hours, all surrounded by the universality of symbols such as the stomach, the planets, the ' water, sun, earth, ice, desert!
You travel the length and breadth of our World: from Mexico to Siberia, from Tanzania with the Masai tribe, India, from Japan to Vietnam, from the desert to the American community, to get to Paris!
In watching this film, I tried many different feelings, from anger at the choice of the American mother who decides to give birth within a community of 10 people without the aid of any medical support, giving rise to the she calls "free birth" and thus risk of endangering his life but also that of her child, the tenderness for the Indian mother who have not the financial resources to deal with a hospital birth, decides to rely on a ' midwife the country idyll in seeing the birth of Mexican mothers with the dolphins, the perfect obstetricians, which emit ultrasound with their verses that give security to the child at birth, the sadness in my heart before the birth of the mother in the desert is obliged to see the death of her child; the "factory of children" in Vietnam, where more than 45,000 children are born per year, until you get closer to our social reality, the French, in which a mother of cabaret dancer, dance until the day before birth, which occurred regularly thereafter in a hospital.
You see fathers who are excluded by the choice of society, fathers who are excluded by culture, fathers instead of hand touch immediately with the birth of their son.
A beautiful film, lived intensely, to someone like me who feels heard and motherhood as the most unique experience of his life, where love and pure poetry Amalga will begin to live completely what belongs to all of the birth .
"The just indulge his instinct as a woman and no better than she knows what to do."
The emotions I felt watching this movie I still behind me, because I will also been shared with two women who have a very important role in my life, my sister and my friend Ilaria, having the the possibility of expressing all my enthusiasm before those cries, but also free to stand in silence, before the death of that child, reflect totally apathetic eyes, expressionless, incredulous that mother.