Initially I could not give me a reason for the loss of my child, but then I realized, I realized what was contained in that pain ... a great love! Not only to give but to receive it is through him that I have met many wonderful people, many parents and special in their own way, with his pain, his strength, his experience has enriched me more each day, making I could put away a great treasure, unique, priceless .. the legacy of Elijah!
Among all these people, one in particular came into my heart, making the spot and put them there in the first row, ensuring an exclusive place, has done with its sweetness, with its understanding, with its great big heart, with his tenacity, his stubbornness ... in respect of a bigger picture of us, in respect of the loss of our beautiful little angels, Elijah and Linda !
The symbol of this friendship is contained not only in my heart that even in a pendant Ilaria gave me for Christmas, a gift to my heart, and a unique gift as precious as our bond, a pendant a little 'fluffy ", which already has a long history of loss, strength bracelets, pilgrimages goldsmith .. short a adrenalin pendant, a bit 'as our way of being!
A unique pendant that unites us moms special that unites our minds, because every time I look at him and every time I hear him waver, my mind goes to Elijah, who manages a pendant, in a single instant, to pick up many eyes to the sky and sending a loving thought for our many, too many children in heaven!