I created this blog with the intention of being able to find other moms in the virtual world with which to share thoughts, sorrows, moments, feelings that go beyond everyday life guided by in some way on our experience of mothers 'special'!
I spent many months, I would say years, without any feedback (and thank goodness!) And I "used" my space to myself, to give vent to what I had inside me and, in my moments of sadness, moments of my memories ... In short it was a bit 'my therapy in being able to externalize the feelings that I still brought in, tied to the loss of Elijah!
Then, slowly came the first messages, have begun the first contacts and I found out how what I wrote in these pages is shared, created, tested from other moms like me and what is good and enriches this sharing, what helps me to face myself and how to help me remove My pulse, as I raise the idea of \u200b\u200bnot being afraid to remember!
I felt a bit 'as our hands that move, open, close, squeeze, caress, protect ... I tried to give all this (and I do not know if I could), but certainly I have received.
So I have enriched the area of \u200b\u200bthe link "Web Parents" by placing two new associations:
Little Angels of my wonderful friend Federica,
So, if you ever happen again that some other mother might stumble on this page, to free choice, where it wants to jump, reach out where considered more appropriate and more suitable for herself, and space to enable it to interact with who and what they think best ... because at that time so we only need to be heard and to find someone who understands our hearts and if we have more opportunities to do so, we feel sciura more pampered and understood!
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