After the press conference ...
Here is the guide of the press conference yesterday: "It 'was presented this afternoon at the council hall in the Piazza Grande program "That special train to Beijing," a national initiative, supported by the Ministry of Health and Foreign Affairs, which involves even some cities in Umbria, including Gubbio. For the city administration has acted the Councillor for Social Policies Aldo Cacciamani that, in stressing the importance and distinctiveness of the initiative said: "Through this trip will give you a real chance for people with mental illness to make a ' integration of knowledge and experience not only to the 'other' but to the "whole world". It makes an important project, which will help to disseminate and promote the culture of integration and solidarity. The characters in this wonderful adventure, will be able to know and live new cultures, new forms of socialization and knowledge and this will undoubtedly cause for enrichment and growth. "The speakers were also Natasha Vispi regional representative for" Words found ", Patrizia Lorenzetti in charge of Mental Health, and Livia Castellani. The director general of the Asl No 1 Vincent Panella, one of the leaders of the trip, stressed the importance of the initiative that represents a new way of thinking about mental health experience, practical and capable of operating to overcome barriers and break down prejudices. Were in attendance, among others, the mayor Goracci Orpheus, and Mayor Antonio Brancadoro Seal.
The train departs from Venice to Beijing on August 8 will be about 25 Italian cities from different regions involved in the project (Umbria - Tuscany - Trento - Toscana - Lazio - Emilia-Marche) with over 200 participants (19 from Gubbio) from different realities. The aim of the organizers is to promote the social inclusion of people with mental ill health or disability and protecting their fundamental rights and their dignity, through the formula of rail travel in 20 days, it will be some major cities such as Vienna , Budapest, Moscow, Ulan Bator, Beijing. In each of these cities are scheduled to meet with local representatives of the worlds of mental health and representatives of culture, citizenship and politics involved in dealing with experience certainly makes sense. Coordination is done by "Words found" - Association and Chrysalis dall'ANPIS Umbria and informal channels "fareassieme. In conclusion, we will be publishing a book, a sort "diary" written and illustrated by leading with the support of a journalist and will be sold with the aim of raising funds for initiatives of the associations "fareassieme" . The whole trip will be a documentary made by Giovanni Piperno, the director met with the group Gubbio and in recent days along with a crew from RAI has followed and taken one of the stars of the journey in the context of his daily life and work at the counseling center. The film recounts the protagonist of this initiative, the most curious and significant moments and the cities where it will stop the train, full of charm and history, will be screened in cinemas and on national television to raise public awareness. The daily La Repubblica via its website follow all stages of the journey. It is also noted that the blog will be updated by the group Gubbio. "(From )
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