We were a fly on the train to Irkutsk
We apologize to our loyal readers, if only a few days after we send our news today, including the fun and action, space and time dimensions are unknown to us. However
where we were? In Moscow?
Well ... on the evening of the fourteenth station in Moscow, we took our four days in a special train that took us to the next stop in Irkutsk.
were the hardest days and more intense, but also the days when we really felt our train: we hung with pictures and phrases dictated by the most philosophical essays.
The days when the group reached a very deep feeling and if we hold everything in a motto: All for one one for all. The days of taking the Trans-Siberian 's eye has captured images indescribable. Although locked in the train we felt the essence and purity of nature Tajga. Until
Irkutsk time really flew because it screened in an almost unreal in a mixture of glee and exhaustion.
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